نظام إدارة موارد المشاريع

يهدف النظام إلى توفير كافة الأدوات اللازمة لإدارة موارد ومصادر المشروع من مواد وموظفين وجدولة خطط الأعمال المرتبطة بالمشروع


إدارة كافة موارد المشاريع بمختلف انواعها وإصدار التقارير التي تدعم القرار على مستوى المؤسسة وفروعها المختلفة

خدمات النظام

The solution was developed is using OutSystems technology which is more flexible to upgrade. The solution consists of 8 roles such as

  • Super Admin
  • Tenant Admin
  • Business Unit Head
  • Project Manager
  • Human Resource User
  • PO-Coordinator
  • Sales Person
  • Finance User

The Solution can be used by the various companies and the tenant details can be managed by the Super Admin. Each Tenant can configure the company level settings depending upon the company being added to the particular tenant.

1.Super Admin:
Super Admin has the privilege to add the tenant and the company which belongs to that particular tenant. He can also create a tenant admin for each tenant.

2.Tenant Admin:
Tenant Admin can log in to the system and add the location of the company. Depending upon the various business units within a company, he can also add Business Unit Head. Tenant Admin also has the privilege to maintain the company level configurations such as custom permissions to the screens, project code configuration, Assign/ Remove CORP resources managers, and Cron Job Configuration (Email configurations). Many more can be added depending upon the requirements. Tenant Admin can also have access to Master Data. He can configure the Master Data based on the need.

Human Resource Person:

Human Resource Person has the privilege to add the employees in an organization that can be further allocated to the Business Unit. Importing the data of employees from Excel is also provided.

4.Sales Person:
Sales Person can upload the Purchase Order Document.

PO-Coordinator can create a Purchase Order depending upon the Business Unit and can also link a PO Document. Each Purchase Order should be linked with the PO Document. The feature of Previewing the Purchase Order Document is also provided. Once the Purchase Order is created, Purchase Order Payment Milestones will be generated depending upon the Project Type selected. The PO-Coordinator can also download the PO Document for further reference.

6.Finance User:
Finance User has the privilege to change the milestone status of the project. He can also extend the Milestone to any further date. A reminder regarding the Milestone End Date will be sent to the Finance User based on the configuration given in Settings.

7.Business Unit Head:
The Business Unit Head can view all the data at the Business Unit Level. They can add client information and also create a new project. The project can be further linked to a Purchase order which results in creating the Project Payment Milestones. All these Projects can be extended for the future end date. Resources can be allocated to the project and also has the information regarding the billability of the resource can be tracked. The Business Unit Head also has access to the static Projects which will be specific to the company and also de-active the project. At the Business Unit Level, various reports can be generated.

  1. Active Projects Report: This report will contain all the active projects data along with the resource and billing count.
  2. All Employees Report: This report will contain the Project History and also the present allocation of the Employee.
  3. Bench and Billable Report: This report will contain the Bench resources along with the non-Billable resources in the project.
  4. Employee Summary Report: Employee Summary Report is a Company level Employee Resource Allocation Report. It will contain the counts of allocation of resources in various Business Unit at the Company Level.
  5. Client Report: This report contains a detailed description of the Client Details
  6. Resource Allocation Report: This report contains the allocation details of resources in the project.
    All the Reports have the Excel Export Feature.

8.Project Manager:
Once the project is created, the Project Manager will be added to the Project. The Project Manager can allocate/ re-allocate the resources by giving the allocation percentage and also provide billing percentage if he is billable. He can also access the static Projects. Whenever a resource is added to the project, an Email will be sent to the Resource regarding the allocation. The Project Manager can also access Active Projects, Bench and Non-Billable Report, Resource Allocation Report, All Employees Report, and Employee Summary Report. There is an additional report called the Production Report that will be sent via mail(daily) or can search the data in System. The production report will contain the production movements of the resources in the active projects. In the case of Fixed Milestone, Milestones can be created manually by PM following certain validations.
Forgot Password Feature is developed to reset the password via the Email provided.

Maintaining the Logs: Logs are maintained for various scenarios:

  1. Allocation/ Re-Allocation of Resource
  2. Extend Milestone End Date
  3. Extending Project End Date

Cron Jobs:
Employee Summary Report and Bench Employee Report will be mailed to CORP Resource managers on a weekly basis.
The dashboard gives a quick overview of counts based on the Business Unit Selected. There is also a graphical representation to show the project milestone status. It also has a section to display the active project details. Quick Search Functionality for resources is also developed.

Tools Used:
SQL Database
Azure Active Directory.

• Seamless and satisfied experience for employees & companies to manage project
• Track commercials, allocate tasks, configure company details and other managerial features.
• Real-time updates to authorized person with Automated compliance mechanisms.

الجهات المستهدفة
نظم المعلومات
نوع النظام
نظام ويب

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