City Development Suite

Land management goes beyond the careful allocation of land resources. It involves the interdependence of factors such as permit issuance, inspection, code enforcement, asset management, and 311 related processes.
Effective land administration that is sustainable for citizens and government bodies alike promotes economic development. Novigo Solutions introduces an advanced SaaS solution, namely, City Development Suite, which is developed using low-code solutions.
Government entities can monitor building and engineering projects with a centralized system. Developed on OutSystems 11 and supported by robust AWS infrastructure, our suite of applications revolutionizes land management and administration.


Leveraging outSystems services, the City Development Suite of applications has been developed keeping in mind a diverse set of users and functions. The four specialized portals aim to divide roles and streamline the process

Staff Portal

Inspector Mobile App

Customer Web Portal

Customer Mobile App

Key Challenges

Government entities found it especially difficult to allocate infrastructure needs owing to complex issues surrounding land allocation, compliance, and manual processes. Through low-code app development, a solution was sought after to address the below challenges.

Manual workflows

Transparency issues

Limited data-driven decision-making

Ineffective collaboration

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Online permit application and processing
Digital plan submission, review, and approval
Integration with ArcGIS for spatial analysis and mapping
Integration with ePlan Review system for plan review
Automated workflow for permit issuance
Real-time status tracking and notifications

Code Enforcement

Case management for violations
Automated scheduling of inspections
Tracking and monitoring of compliance activities
Integration with GIS for location-based enforcement
Reporting and analytics for trend analysis

Land Management

Detailed records for lots, parcels, and properties
Integration with GIS for spatial data visualization
Management of zoning, land use, and ownership details
Historical data tracking and archiving
Automated updates and notifications for changes


Scheduling and dispatching of inspections
Mobile inspection forms and data entry
Real-time inspection results and reporting
Integration with permitting and code enforcement modules
Automated notifications and follow-ups

Property Management

Centralized property database
Lease and tenant management
Maintenance request tracking
Financial management and reporting
Integration with GIS for property visualization

311 & 511 Services

Citizen service request submission and tracking
Automated routing and response management
Integration with GIS for location-based service requests
Reporting and analytics for service performance
Public communication and notifications

Asset Management

Tracks city assets and their locations
Monitors the condition and lifecycle of assets
Schedules and records maintenance activities
Provides detailed reports and analytics on asset performance and costs

Benefits of the City Development Suite

Harnessing low-code digital transformation transforms the landscape of land management through the following benefits
Enhanced Efficiency
With dual features of an AI-enabled platform and voice-based request creation, this low-code solution boosts productivity and speeds up processes with voice commands
Cost Savings
Automation and streamlined processes reduce manual intervention, which ultimately leads to overall reduced operational costs
Set rules and regulations in place ensure adherence to regulation and global standards, reducing risk
A comprehensive solution with the help of low-code app development covers all essential land management criteria and gives room for scalable solutions according to city growth
Enhanced Transparency
Real-time data and reporting fosters smooth communication and trust between staff, inspectors, and customers
The Customer Web and Mobile Portals, along with the Inspector Mobile App, provide 24/7 service access and inspection availability
Real-Time Data
Live tracking and reporting provide accurate and transparent data for informed decision-making
Comprehensive Integration
Integration of different functions such as permitting, code enforcement, inspections, and property management is facilitated
Improved User Experience
Users are given instant support via GenAI for Queries and can create quick requests through a simple form-based request creation

Reach out to discuss your vision, and let's embark on this transformative low-code journey together.

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